Friday, 20 February 2015

the chop

hi everyone !

since last summer i have been thinking about cutting my hair.
last summer i thought about it but never really decided whether i was going to or not but recently i decided.
this is a massive thing for me as i have had long hair for like 2 years.
as i have dyed my hair multiple times (even bright pink!!) it's  really damaged and dead and i never wear my hair down because i don't like it. so i thought about it and decided to cut my hair 




As you can see I had a lot taken off but I needed it 
Even my hairdresser said I did
I love how my hair has turned out and I love having it short I'm going I start wearing my hair down a lot more as I love it now 
Tell me if you've had any drastic hair changes :) 


  1. Wow! You've had quite a lot cut off! Looks lovely though. I've always had my hair long as it grows so quick, but I've been thinking about a full fringe. Not sure if it would suit me though.

    1. sorry this is a late reply ive just seen it

      i thought about getting my hair cut for at least a year so i knew i wanted it done so i would say think about it for a while and still see if you want to get it x

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